USA Grown Nectarines
Nectarines are a genetic variant of the peach family with both yellow and white flesh according to variety, and have been around for at least 4,000 years! The nectarine’s most distinguishable difference from the peach is its smooth skin. Just like the peach, the nectarine gives off a fantastic aroma when mature and it can be eaten soft, firm, or crunchy depending on the consumer’s preference. As with all of the stone fruit that SGS grows, proper varieties must be selected for planting and patience must be shown before harvest occurs in order to ensure the highest levels of sugar, delivering the best flavor. White nectarines have low acid levels combined with extremely sweet flavor. SGS has planted recently developed sub-acid varieties of yellow nectarines that are exceptionally sweet when they are eaten firm. From our family to yours…enjoy!

Available: Late May through mid-October

White Nectarines
Available: Mid-May through mid-September